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Author Guidelines

JPS publish manuscripts in Italian, English, Spanish:

No publishing charges are required for the original version of the manuscript comprehensive of an extended abstract in English. 

JPS guarantees the evaluation of the articles within 4 weeks of submission.

Editorials 1000 words

Original research papers: 6000 words

Reviews: 5000 words

Short reviews: 2000 words

Case Reports: 2500 words

Comments: 1000 words

Experiences: 2000 words



Editorials are commissioned by Editor, Associated Editors or Editorial Committee. The manuscript, (maximum 1000 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 100 words. If the manuscript is written in Italian or Spanish must also include an extended abstract in English of 150 words. The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can contain up to 20 items

Original research

The manuscript, unpublished, describes clinical and other studies that are based on samples of patients, which the results are evaluated by appropriate statistical methods.

The manuscript must be structured into the following sections: Introduction (indicating a goal or hypothesis), Method (which includes the study design, the methods used, the criteria in the collection of case studies with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the consistency of the sample, the data analysis methodology), results (including results of the study in the context of the available scientific literature and discusses the limitations of the study), Conclusions (discusses the important implications for clinical practice and health policy). The manuscript (maximum 6000 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 300 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 500 words.

Tables and figures should be added at the end of the manuscript in a maximum of 5. In the text must indicate the location of tables and figures.

The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can contain up to 50 entries


The reviews concern issues that are relevant to the audience of the journal. They must describe the current state of knowledge on the chosen topic and operational practices, integrating the recent theoretical and empirical advances in the principles and therapeutic practices. The manuscript should include a discussion about controversial aspects of the theme or subject of clinical or scientific debate. The manuscript, (maximum 4000 words, excluding bibliography) includes an abstract of 200 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 350 words.

Tables and figures should be added at the end of the manuscript in the maximum number of 3. In the text, it must indicate the location of tables and figures.

The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 30 entries.

Short reviews

Short reviews regard theoretical and clinical aspects that are relevant to specific audiences of the Journal. They must describe the current state of knowledge on the chosen topic and operational practices, integrating recent empirical and theoretical advances with the principles and therapeutic practices. The manuscript should include a discussion about controversial aspects of the theme or subject of clinical and scientific debate. The manuscript (maximum of 2000 words, excluding bibliography), must include an abstract of 100 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 200 words.

Tables and figures should be added at the end of the manuscript in the maximum number of 3. In the text must indicate the location of tables and figures.

The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 20 entries.

Case Reports

The manuscript describes a clinical case considered particularly important for the theory and practice. The manuscript should include:                                  Introduction (which illustrates the importance of the case); Description of the case; Conclusions and Comments. The manuscript, (maximum 2500 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 100 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 200 words. The manuscript does not include tables and figure. La bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 10 entries. 

Opinions & Comments

The manuscript summarizes and discusses a literature paper related to the topic of the journal. It must show the theoretical and clinical implications, the exegesis in literature and doctrinal controversies which followed them. The manuscript, (maximum 3000 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 100 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 200 words. The manuscript does not include tables and figures. The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 20 entries.


The manuscript describes a clinical or training experience addressed to the helping professionals and focused on interventions in the psychosocial field. It should include the theoretical and clinical assumptions that inspired the program and it should document the results in terms of greater knowledge and operational skills of the participants. The manuscript, (maximum 2000 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 100 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 200 words. The manuscript does not include tables and figures. The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 10 entries.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, or proposed to another journal.
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word format.
  • When possible, the entries URL must be added.
  • The manuscript has been edited as follows:
    • Font: Bookman old style
    • Font size: 12 pt
    • Title size: 14 pt
    • Alignment: Justified
    • Line spacing: Single
    • Margins: Normal
    • Use italics instead of underlining (except with URL)
    • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the text indicating the position within the text
    • The manuscript has 5 keywords
    • The references are standardized according to the APA style
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript submission must include a cover letter written as indicated in how to write a cover letter.
  • If you are submitting a manuscript to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, then you followed the instructions on how to ensure a blind review.

Maps & Territories

The article deals with the applications of systemic thinking to the sciences of social behavior, to artistic creativity in its multiform expressions, to philosophical and historical reflections on the relationship between man and the environment.It should aim to combine the scientific and humanistic dimension of research and knowledge in a holistic vision on the nature of man and his future.The manuscript, (maximum 2500 words, excluding bibliography), includes an abstract of 100 words. If the text is written in Italian or Spanish, it must also include an English abstract of 200 words. The manuscript does not include tables and figures. The bibliography, strictly relevant to the text, can include up to 20 entries.

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