The bio-psycho-social model forty years later: a critical review


  • Paolo Gritti Ecopsys Collegio Europeo di Scienze Psicosociali, Napoli


Parole chiave:

bio-pscho-social model, review, teoria generale dei sistemib


Since 1997, the Bio-Psycho-Social Model, proposed by George Engel, attracted the interest of clinical researchers as well epistemologists and was recognized as a turning point in the culture and praxis of medical diagnosis and treatments. According to Engel, biological, psychological as well as social events are mutually interconnected and reciprocally influenced; a paradigmatic shift in the approach to the mind-body problem. Lately, this model has received persuasive criticism that has caused a fading of its scientific reliability. This concise review focuses the core feature of Engel’s position as well as the scientific controversy that followed during these forty years.  


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

The bio-psycho-social model forty years later: a critical review. (2017). Journal of Psychosocial Systems, 1(1).

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