Game Theory: when Mathematics meets Systems Psychology


  • Valentina Bosco Ecopsys Collegio Europeo di Scienze Psicosociali, Napoli
  • Diodato Ferraioli Ferraioli Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli


Parole chiave:

Teoria Generale dei sistemi, Game Theory


In this paper, our goal is to draw a connection between Systems Psychology and Game Theory. To this aim, we first describe some of the main concepts of these theories, and then we compare them. In particular, we feel very useful and inspiring the connection between the rules of a system and the equilibria of a game. To enlighten the power of this connection, we review a clinical case under the lens of Game Theory. We conclude the work suggesting other possible connections that may exist between these two theories.


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Come citare

Game Theory: when Mathematics meets Systems Psychology. (2017). Journal of Psychosocial Systems, 1(1).

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