Communications and relationships: changing with new technologies. An explorative study on a thematic facebook group.



Parole chiave:

Comunicazione, nuove tecnologie, psicologia, pragmatica della comunicazione


With new technologies, new relational spaces have been configured. Virtual communications, characterized by exchange mediated by virtual devices, have given rise to modern forms of communication, also creating new social contexts. The latest ISTAT survey (2015) shows that web is an important tool for social interaction; for more than half of Internet users (56,1%) it’s mediated from social networks.

This work wants to open a reflection about communication and online relationships mediated from facebook groups. In particular, an ethnographic observation of a thematic facebook group has been realized. 


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Communications and relationships: changing with new technologies. An explorative study on a thematic facebook group. (2017). Journal of Psychosocial Systems, 1(1).

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