LOOKING FOR “PSY-TOOLS” An explorative study on mental health professionals’ viewpoints about clinical competences.
https://doi.org/10.23823/jps.v1i1.8Palabras clave:
psicoterapia, psicologia, psichiatria, competenze, abilità, professionisti, salute mentaleResumen
“Skill” is usually confused both with the term “ability”, which from the Latin “habilis” means manageable, referring to a technical function, both with the term “capacity”, the possibility of realizing a performance (Fulcheri, 2005). Here we intend with the term “skill” a union between “to know”, “to know-how” and “to know how to be”. “To know” regards all theories, codified knowledge formulated by communities of experts about a specific topic. “To know-how” regards working methodology, operative aspects oriented by theories critically chosen by the professional as a working berth. “To know-how” includes, therefore, operative and procedural knowledge, practical skills, specific professional experience, problem solving in working practice.
This study started from literature analysis before explained with the aims of explore and display any difference in conducting a clinical interview, according to specific competences as well as the psychotherapeutic competences in two groups of mental health professionals: psychologists in psychotherapeutic training and physicians in psychiatric training.
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